Fonction de la règle à grille dans les machines-outils à commande numérique

    As the position detection element of the CNC machine tool linear axis, the grating ruler is equivalent to the human “eye”, which is to “monitor” the linear axis after the execution of the CNC system’s moving instructions, whether the linear axis really runs accurately to the position required by the CNC system instructions. If the CNC machine tool is not installed with a grating ruler, when the CNC system issues the move instruction of the linear axis, whether the linear axis can reach the position required by the CNC system depends entirely on the precision of the CNC system debugging and the accuracy of the mechanical transmission to ensure.

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    After a period of time, due to the modification of electrical debugging parameters and the increase of mechanical error and other reasons, the linear axis is likely to be a lot different from the position required by the numerical control system instructions, at this time the numerical control system does not know, the maintenance and operation of the machine tool personnel do not know, in order to know this gap, the maintenance personnel will be the machine tool precision detection. Therefore, the CNC machine tool is not installed grating ruler, it is necessary to regularly check the accuracy of the machine tool, once you forget to detect the accuracy of the CNC machine tool, it is likely to lead to the accuracy of the processed product is out of line or even scrapped.

    If the linear axis does not accurately reach the position due to mechanical reasons, the grating ruler, as a position detection element, will issue feedback instructions to the numerical control system, so that the linear axis can reach a more accurate position. At this time, the grating ruler acts as a supervision function independent of the machine tool, like the human eye, has been “monitoring” the position of the linear axis, to ensure that the linear axis can reach the position required by the numerical control system.

grating ruler

    In the production of new machine tools or the transformation of old machine tools, the purpose of using grating ruler is to increase the running accuracy of the linear axis. However, the operating accuracy does not depend entirely on the grating ruler, but mainly on the geometric accuracy of the mechanical part of the linear axis. Grating ruler can not replace the accuracy of the machine, it can only “icing on the cake”. Many people have a deviation in the understanding of this problem, if the geometric accuracy of the linear axis of the machine tool is very poor, such as some lathe Z-axis transmission with rack, reverse clearance is very large, the axis even after the grating rule, when the axis reaches the CNC system near the running command position, because the linear axis transmission accuracy is not high, in the accurate position before and after the shock.

    Machine tool grating ruler is a measuring equipment installed on CNC machine tools, it is mainly used to measure the position and moving distance of machine tool table, tool holder and other components in order to achieve precision machining and control of machine tools. The function of machine tool grating ruler can be summarized as follows:

1.Precision Machining Of CNC Machine Tools

    The machine tool grating ruler can accurately measure the position and moving distance of the machine tool table, tool rest and other components, so that the CNC system can accurately control the machining process of the machine tool, so as to achieve high-precision machining.

2. Improve The Processing Efficiency Of The Machine Tool

    The machine tool grating ruler can monitor the position and moving distance of the machine tool parts in real time, so that the CNC system can adjust the processing parameters in time, so as to improve the processing efficiency and productivity of the machine tool.

3. Ensure The Stability Of The Machine Tool Processing

    The machine tool grating ruler can detect the position and moving distance of the machine tool parts. If the deviation or error is found, the CNC system can adjust the processing parameters in time to ensure the stability and reliability of the machine tool processing.

4. Reduce The Failure Rate Of The Machine Tool

    The machine tool grating ruler can monitor the position and moving distance of the machine tool parts, if the fault or anomaly is found, the CNC system can alarm and stop in time to avoid the occurrence of the machine tool failure, thereby reducing maintenance costs and downtime.

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    In summary, machine tool grating ruler is a very important measuring equipment, it can help CNC machine tools to achieve high-precision processing and control, improve the machining efficiency and stability of machine tools, reduce the failure rate of machine tools, thus providing a strong support for the development of machine tool manufacturing industry.

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